Performance Improvement

October 18, 2019

Five Ways To Advance Your Assisted Living Facility

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In many cases, your company started with one facility and is now looking to increase its success. This might mean opening up more locations or upgrading the existing complex. Here are some ways to help advance your assisted living facility to the next level.

Security System


Whether your facility is brand new or a little older, there is no such thing as too safe. With technology continually improving and prices dropping, there are features that could work wonders to add an extra piece of mind for your staff and family members of your residents. Newer products are becoming more affordable, reliable, and more user-friendly, making setup quicker and routine use easier for your team.


Energy Efficient products


This speaks for itself when your company is looking to advance to the next level. Saving money on energy bills can help fund that upcoming expansion. So, this fundamental yet extremely important step is essential. With products like LED bulbs and eco-friendly appliances, the initial investment might take an upfront cost, but in the long run, it will be saving your facility more money. You may also consider taking advantage of a recycling program so that the products you are inevitably going to use like paper, batteries, etc. always finds itself being discarded properly. 


Be Marketing Ready


Before you launch a new marketing strategy to advance your facility to the next level, make sure it is ready both inside and out. You cannot count on word of mouth anymore to fill beds, and a well-defined web presence is critical to being found by families looking for a good place for their loved ones to receive care. Launching an online advertising campaign can not only be cost-effective but most efficient. Think about it, the people who are looking for your facility are kids of parents that want to make sure they find the best for their budget, and these kids grew up using the internet.


Be Aware of What is Being Said About your Facility


Your facility is being talked about somewhere on the internet. This is the fastest way word travels, and it happens in a blink of an eye. There might be things that your customers and families are happy or unhappy about yet are not being communicated to you or your staff. It is better to get a direct line of communication about concerns before it is taken to the web. But if you are engaged and see what is being said, both good and bad, it will always provide an avenue for improvement and advancement. 


Define What Makes you Unique


This day and age, the population of families needing a facility like yours is ever-growing. Everyone will talk up facility safety and providing a great place for family members. But what really needs to be conveyed is what makes your community unique and why they should choose your facility over the others. Start with amenities that aren’t found to be a standard and define them as such to your facility and then pick one that sets you apart. Talk about what makes your community culture unique. Why will family members be happier in your community than in another one? The residents coming to live at your facility are more active than any other generation, and that’s only going to continue. Show them why your community is where they want to be!

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