Advisory Services

October 23, 2020

4 Ways To Get More Treats And Fewer Tricks With Cloud ERP

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It’s the time of year for tricks, and these monsters even find their way into the ERP implementation process. We’ve picked out four of the most common tricks we see as we speak to ERP prospects, with the hope that calling out these gremlins will help us all to focus on doing the work and making the partnerships necessary to turn tricks into treats and failed ERP implementations into successful ones.

1. ERP Implementations Result in a Rapid ROI

Contrary to what some ERP software publishers and resellers will tell you, companies typically don’t see an immediate significant return on investment (ROI) on the cost of their ERP implementations. That’s not to say the solution doesn’t provide immediate value, it’s simply the fact that most measurable and meaningful gains accelerate over time, as business processes become more defined and user adoption gains traction.

2. Cloud ERP Doesn’t Need Implementing

Somehow, somewhere a rumor got started that because companies don’t have to physically install Cloud ERP on their servers, the ERPs are plug-and-play and require no implementation. It’s a cruel trick, often perpetuated by resellers to win a sale by underestimating ERP implementation costs. The truth is that a well-planned, well-executed implementation is critical to the success of Cloud ERP.

3. The Right ERP can Fix Your Broken Processes

ERP may be a tool, but it cannot can’t fix broken processes and inefficient workflows. Like a hammer is to a carpenter, or the right shoes are to a competitive runner, the right ERP system can enhance performance and let us do what we already know how to do well, even better. The key is to work with a partner who understands your business, your industry, and your ERP and can help align your processes and workflows for maximum efficiency.

4. ERP Features are What Matters

Here’s what many ERP resellers won’t tell you: most modern Cloud ERP solutions offer a very similar feature set. Something else they won’t tell you? Those features don’t matter all that much. What matters is whether the ERP implementation solves your business challenges and sets you on a path to grow and scale. Features are fun. Features are helpful. But a well-researched, well-designed, well-planned, and well-executed implementation is critical to the long-term success of any ERP solution.

Trade the ERP Implementation Tricks for ROI Treats

Successful ERP implementations don’t happen by magic, and the implementation path is peppered with tricks and even a few scares. Beware of too-good-to-be-true claims and recognize that successful ERP implementations require careful planning and skilled execution.

To put it another way, be careful which door you knock on. The house that hands out the full-size candy bars may not have your long-term best interests in mind. Trading the tricks for treats in an ERP implementation can be as simple as partnering with a solution provider who is willing to spend the time to understand your needs and goals and align them with the recommended ERP solution.

Ready to start a conversion about your organization’s move to Cloud ERP? Contact us.

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