Advisory Services

July 15, 2019

4 Benefits To Accounting Software In The Cloud

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Financing has changed drastically over the past few years, and forward-thinking companies are making a change to cloud-based accounting solutions to take advantage of the many benefits that come along with it. Here we talk about 4 of those benefits.

Available 24/7, Anytime, Anywhere

The real problem with most software that companies use is that they are limited to an internal network or even worse, one computer. One significant benefit of software that runs in the cloud is that you can access your company’s information and get to your data anytime, anywhere. This gives you mobility and freedom when managing accounts. Managers have the ability to see their own dashboard data, run reports, and update data from wherever they are working. In a virtual world, information at your fingertips is critical to making informed decisions.

Always on the Current Version

Too often, when a software company pushes an update to their product, updating requires downloading, consulting services to install the upgrade, and a significant amount of planning, testing, and deployment planning time – all before the actual downtime needed to install the update itself. When you have to download multiple copies on your company’s network, you really start to slow productivity down. All of these steps consumes employee time and tanks productivity – which directly impacts your bottom line. With cloud-based software, updates just happen with little to no impact on your team’s productivity. This alone saves precious time and money and keeps the company on track to continue day-to-day business without any interruptions.

Safely Secured

But how safe is cloud-based software? Just as safe as the bank you walk into for your personal finances. With that bank-level protection companies can feel better at night knowing that without backing up any of their products or reports, Intacct’s cloud security will give them peace of mind. Support is also available over several platforms, whether it be on the phone, email, and even with a web chat — just another way to keep companies secured and up to speed with their accounting software. Being always on the current version, with a full security team focused on keeping your data safe, reduces your risk considerably.

Built with Reporting in Mind from the Start

Most software is built with a common goal: give the user what they need. But when running a company that is focused on metrics and data points, you need something a little more. Intacct’s accounting software was built with accountants and managers in mind and focused on the power of the summary or detailed reports and dashboards they want and need. Pair that with the cloud’s ability to access your system at any place and time, on any device, and you have a powerful management tool that supports data-driven decision making. Intacct was literally built with the thought of not just recording transactions but reporting on them from the very start.

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