Advisory Services

July 17, 2019

3 Ways To Convince Your Team It’s Time To Switch Accounting Software

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In today’s fast-paced business environment, your company needs every advantage that it can get. This includes the software that you choose for your business’s accounting needs. When looking to make a change or upgrade, having the right software will make all the difference. Effective accounting software has an impressive return on investment and allows you to do more with the same team.

We Will Save Money

Time is money. Downtime is money. Answering the same questions over and over rather than providing your company access to dashboards and reports that let them answer their own questions? More money. It’s easy to look at the time your accounting team spends running reports, creating reports in Excel, and fielding questions as sunk costs, but the truth is that those team members could be more productive doing other things. Accounting software should allow you to be more effective in all your accounting tasks, integrate easily into best in breed solutions for specific functions (like expense reporting), and support you in tasks like preparing for an audit, due diligence reviews in for mergers, acquisitions, or new investors, and monitoring your company’s financial status.  Oh – and one more note? Better accounting records means faster audits with fewer audit adjustments. Which saves you money even on your audit!

We Will Save Time

Who wants to have to call the accounting team and wait two days for someone to pull a report together? Your management team wants numbers at their fingertips. Real-time, web accessible reporting and dashboards that allow them to keep on top of what’s important to them is critical – and the right accounting and finance software solution lets you provide that service. A good accounting system doesn’t just process day to day accounting transactions efficiently – it also provides accurate, real-time data to the people who need it, when they need it.

We Will Have Better Data

All accounting software is not created equal. How accurate is your current data? How flexible is your data entry process? Are you even capturing your accounting data in the way you need to support the metrics your managers and leadership want? The right accounting software with the right configuration will make this process easy – but selecting the right system is an important component to getting to that accuracy.

If you are reading this, some part of you is thinking that it’s time to invest in new accounting software.  So, the question now is which software will be switching to? Here at BT Partners we have a solution that provides a way to save your company money, save precious time, and create quality data.

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