Exacto Gains Real-time Reporting, Streamlines Processes & Operations with SYSPRO ERP & BT Partners


ERP System

In Business

35 years




Since 2012

Exacto, Inc.

Exacto, Inc is a private label chemical manufacturer that has been serving the agricultural market for 35 years. Tom Martin is currently the company’s Business Relationship Manager but started as an IT/Network Administrator where he oversaw Exacto’s ERP system. At that time, its ERP software was outdated, inhibited company growth and was inefficient. Tom recalls numerous situations from the past when many of their processes required manual, double and sometimes triple entry. But as a growing company, Exacto desperately needed to upgrade their capabilities with a new ERP system. And as a company with a unique culture of service, they also needed a system that would allow them to expand the humanitarian outreach programs of their US operations.

"BT Partners is a great company from the President all the way down to the support technicians. They give me the right advice and are not just trying to sell me something."


While searching for different ERP software packages, SYSPRO was identified as a finalist for evaluation and BT Partners was recommended by SYSPRO as one of their top partners for planning and implementation. But after comparing SYSPRO/BT Partners to a competitive ERP system and implementation partner, Tom and the management team at Exacto felt that the biggest deciding factor was not the technical differences between the two ERP software systems, it was the level of support and confidence in the relationship that they would establish with BT Partners. They felt that BT Partners would be there for them whenever they needed them and in ways that went beyond just getting the work done well. They would truly be getting a partner, not just a provider.


Post implementation, Exacto has 30 active users on the system and Tom says SYSPRO is doing everything they need it to and more. In fact, there are capabilities they can still grow into that they have not even started to tap. From a technology standpoint, SYSPRO has allowed them to do real-time reporting, capture real-time data on labor per job, improve and streamline processes, and eliminate double and triple entry requirements. None of these items were possible with their old system. The new system also allows employees to optimize their day-to-day operations. But equally important to Tom and the Exacto team is the relationship they have developed and maintained with BT Partners.

“When the BT Partners team comes into the office, everyone knows them. It’s like they are a part of our family. They have even been able to help with other IT and hardware projects that other ERP providers would not be able to handle,” added Tom.

Business Insights and Resources

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