Access to Actionable Data Gives Leap Partners the Jump in a Competitive Marketplace


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Leap Partners

Leap Partners is growing by leaps and bounds. The company acquires and operates HVAC, plumbing, and electrical businesses throughout the Southeastern U.S, building a successful family of companies while providing each owner with a solid succession plan. From its first acquisition in 2022, Leap Partners grew its family of companies to 16, and now generates in excess of $100 million in annual revenues, with more than 400 employees. This level of success doesn’t happen by accident. Leap Partners understands that building a successful enterprise requires plenty of hard work, skill, and access to actionable data. Its partnership with BT Partners’ Executive Analytics team delivers on all three.

"It’s safe to say we wouldn’t have the confidence to grow as quickly without the business insights we’ve gained through Domo and our partnership with BT Partners."

Leap Partners Logo

Patrick Ritter,


Lacking visibility across portfolio

Each of Leap Partners’ companies operate as a separate branch. To streamline and standardize daily operations such as scheduling, dispatching, invoicing, payments, and customer communications, Leap Partners implements ServiceTitan after each acquisition. This gives it deep insight into each branch’s performance, but not visibility across its the portfolio. “Early on, we began searching for a business intelligence and dashboarding tool that would provide us with aggregated data across our family of branches,” explains Patrick Ritter, CFO for Leap Partners.

Partner with industry expertise

The company’s research led it to Domo and BT Partners.

“BT Partners is the go-to shop for Domo, particularly within the HVAC sector,” says Ritter. “They have deep industry experience and understand how to draw insights from ServiceTitan. We knew we wanted to work with them, and they haven’t disappointed.”

BT Partners’ value quickly became evident. “They already understand ServiceTitan’s data structure, so they were able to connect it and begin extracting data quickly,” Ritter explains. “Plus, they understand our industry well enough to recommend best practices — ways we can look at our data to uncover new insights.”

The relationship works so well that Ritter now considers BT Partners an extension of his team. “It’s a transparent, collaborative partnership. We got twice as much done in half the time of other software implementations I’ve been involved in. Because they understand our business, we were able to spend less time onboarding the application and more time optimizing it.”

Leap Partners

Insights into what matters

Today, Leap Partners puts actionable data into the hands of its managers — data they’re using to improve metrics and drive profitability. From close rates, technician efficiency, maintenance plan adoption, and revenue per technician to booking rates and average revenue per job, metrics for each company are shared across the board. “Everybody sees how everyone else is doing,” Ritter says. “For example, monitors in each location display the top 10 in productivity and revenue. Technicians compete to climb in the rankings.”

The decision to share each entity’s data with the group is strategic. “We don’t manage based on fear,” Ritter adds. “Our success comes from agreeing on goals and then measuring progress toward those goals. At the end of each workday, our owners know where their business stands and where to focus their efforts. They can see what’s working and where there’s work to be done. They tell us it makes the work more fulfilling and less of a guessing game.”

Most owner-operators in the industry lack the ability to compare their performance to similar operations. “It’s hard to know if your metrics are average or exceptional when you don’t know where you stand in the field,” Ritter notes. “Our general managers know exactly where they stand by day, week, month, and year. They’re able to manage based on facts, not hunches.”

Alex Malone, VP of Marketing for Leap Partners explains that many of its companies used to invest in marketing activities but were frustrated they couldn’t measure the impact. “Most simply set aside a percentage of revenue for marketing and hoped it generated jobs,” Malone explains.

“Using Domo, they can dig deeper into the source of their leads, identifying which marketing efforts and investments are generating results. They can now see the return on every marketing dollar by channel. It’s information no outside agency could give them, and it leads to more informed decision-making.”

While ServiceTitan provides the bulk of the operational and financial data, Leap Partners is also pulling in outside Google Ads and Google Analytics data to provide marketing insights, such as the true cost per lead by branch and campaign.

Driving performance with data

“In any business, there are points of data hiding in plain sight, and Domo illuminates them,” Malone says. He cites appointment lead time as an example. “We’ll hear companies complain about struggling with booking rates. Then, we can easily dig into the data to see what is contributing to those frustrations. Sometimes in the data we can see the trouble may lie in their lead time — the length of time from a lead calling to completing a job. They might run too long a lead time which is causing customers to cancel or decline booking in the first place. Uncovering that insight shows them where to focus their efforts to make sure no opportunities are missed.”

actionable data

Scalability for the future

With help from BT Partners, Leap Partners has built a scalable solution that will help fuel growth for years. “We could easily double our size with the tools we have in place, and in fact, we’re on track to grow by 75 percent this year and add five new branches,” concludes Ritter. “It’s safe to say we wouldn’t have the confidence to grow that quickly without the business insights we’ve gained through Domo and our partnership with BT Partners.”