Throughout the past 30 years, Business Technology Partners has helped hundreds of organizations with analytics and business intelligence solutions. Technology surrounding business analytics has rapidly advanced over the past several years. After undergoing an intensive search across the gamut of business analytics software BTP is proud to partner with DOMO based on the technical precision and power of the platform.

DOMO brings together all of an organization’s data into one intuitive platform. DOMO makes it easy to see the information organizations care most about and use it to make faster, better informed decisions. Other benefits of DOMO:

  • Manual processes are automated.
  • Data management is streamlined.
  • Data stories are visualized.
  • Work is more collaborative.

Practice Lead

We are pleased to introduce Jacob Specht as Business Technology Partners’ Practice Lead, Business Analytics. Jacob brings a powerful mix of skills and experience in business analytics, SaaS, enterprise software, and web strategy.

Jacob is excited to share how DOMO can transform your organization’s data into actionable insights, and how this can help you achieve your objective’s with greater speed and effectiveness. To learn more, please contact us.